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Memories are made of this!

Posted on November 10 2020

 Doubt anyone will see this but it's probably something worth noting.  If there has ever been an extended period with more sunshine and warm temps in November in upstate New York during the last 77 years, I was somewhere else and missed it.  It has been beautiful beyond belief, unless you are a deer hunter.  It is simply too warm for the deer to be moving during the daytime.

Made another trip down to Lordville to mow/rake the leaves, prune the cling peach tree, burn up the years accumulated debris and put hardware cloth around the new fruit trees. Worked steadily from 11:00 am until the clock in the kitchen said 3:30 and was about to drive back home in the daylight when I realized that it was only 2:30 (the clock hadn't fallen back) and just maybe there might be a bug or two hatching.

Drove over the Lordville Bridge and sure enough there were fish up.  There was also a drift boat coming out from under the bridge heading for the risers. Continued on up to Buckingham where there were rising fish in the still water below the bottom riff.  There were two wade fishermen in the water and five trailers in the lot. Stockport had but one car. Shehawken had four cars but no fishermen in sight.  Walked along the shore and saw some pseudos and several rising fish, as those who know me well know, I am now hurrying back to the car to don gear and give it a go.  Even though I finished the season on October 21st, somehow the Winston was still in the car, rigged up and ready for action (with a pseudo in the hook keeper no less).

Waded into the stream to cast at the rising fish and about killed myself on the rocks that were coated with the slippery green, winter blooming algae that the Salmon River is famous for. Slowed my pace and enjoyed two of the most fun hours of fishing I've had all year.  Hooked 10 fish, landed 9 and suffered through at least a dozen refusals.  A beautiful 17 inch brown was the last fish of both the day and the year.  


  • HYMrvSmJt: December 12, 2020


  • bEapFVBgcDPGrxY: December 12, 2020


  • RsLByZglYvtXz: December 08, 2020


  • fxBVkqlbsKUZ: December 08, 2020


  • Jim N: November 10, 2020

    Some of us are still here…desperate for your report and words of advice…..just waiting for next year. But I guess if we head up again we can have one more great day fishing! Great to hear from you again!!! Trout beware!!!

  • Dennis: November 10, 2020

    Congrats on a great day. I stopped in early October and focused on deer hunting along with chasing some grouse and pheasants. Thanks again for the pseudo.
    I wish I could send you a picture of the deer my son and I harvested on our farm. We harvested a 9pt and 10 pt.
    You are right I thought about hitting the river during the past week. It was absolutely beautiful.
    Keep posting and I will check on your success in the deer stand. GOOD LUCK!!!! and post when you feel the urge
    Take care and be safe

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