Posted on July 13 2022
Talk about putting my casting recommendations to a test. Yesterday I fished the red barn in a sneaky draft (10/15 out of the south with gusts up to 25). Adrian was there guiding a long time fishing friend of mine and another sport. To say that finesse was removed from the game was an understatement. Saw a good bug hatch, lots of rising fish and both my friend and I hooked fish under difficult conditions that kept everyone else out of the pool. Later in the day after escaping two storms I walked a good distance to fish a fast run with a lot of structure. The sulfurs started about eight and the fish shortly thereafter. There were half a dozen fish rising along the vee downstream from a big boulder. Caught the fish in the slack water inside the vee, hooked and lost one of the two fish feeding on the near side of the vee but got only refusals from the fish feeding on the other side. Clearly have work to do on my casting.
2022 must surely be the year of the fox. Saw one at noon by the church as I was leaving Lordville and three on 97 when I was returning from the days fishing. The last of the three was my gimpy friend who was along the shoulder on the far side of the road, he stayed put when I drove by.
If you are wondering about my peaches, you needn't bother. I unknowingly outsourced the peach thinning job to the local squirrels this year and did they do a good job. Took a walk in the yard this morning and found that they had removed all but two peaches from the three trees. Anybody know a good recipe for squirrel?
The fishing - With the hot weather and warm water temps it's all in the Sulfur Zone. There are now both early afternoon and late evening hatches and the fish are on them. This week the size of the browns is a little smaller but the big rainbows seem to still be dining on the sulfurs. Most years the bigger browns seem to switch their diet to little trout this time of year. My results from two days of fishing is not very meaningful but there was an increase in the number of 11 to 14 inch fish in the catch.
If they aren't at least refusing your sulfur, go smaller.
Thanks for the great advice. What flies are you using if I may be so bold to ask. You know me have to ask a question I’ve had good luck with compaduns. Speaking of peaches. I enjoyed a flat peach they grow it Italy. They were very sweet!! And delicious.
Sorry to hear you lost your peach crop.
Thanks for the report. I’m going to give a try tomorrow .Sorry to hear about your peaches.Can you fence in the trees???