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Sunshine On My Shoulders - - -

Posted on September 06 2024

I was a little smarter today than yesterday. Spent the day sprucing up the Lordville Estate. Made and attached a screen on an attic window, removed the overflow Gorilla Glue from my threshold installation job of two weeks ago, replaced or straightened, and secured the bottom row of cedar shakes on one side of the garage, and still had time to eat lunch, shoot the bow, and do both a crossword and a sudoku.

At six o'clock I went fishing. Yesterday from three in the afternoon until dark, (8:00), I hooked five "counter" fish, landed four of them including two big heavy 'bows. Today between a little after 6:00 and a little before 8:00, I hooked another five fish. Only trouble was today the two big rainbows both came unstuck, one from a spin out and one just because. The fish I caught were all browns, the biggest of which was 16 inches.

These are some of the nicest days of the year, unless you are a fisherman. Dennis, go play another round of golf. I'll write Mrs. Dennis an excuse. Ed, you needn't drive farther than the Willow on your next visit,and just maybe you'll see me there. Anyone coming this weekend may be in luck as it's supposed to rain Saturday. I peeked at next week's weather and ever day shows a sun smiling at me. 

It's ten of nine and the train is going by the fishing camp. Just a few short weeks ago it would go by me when I was fishing. Just for fun, before the engine gets to you, reach up in the air and pull down a couple of time. If the engineer is looking you'll know it. Big day tomorrow, haircut appointment at Vicky's at 11:00, and Logan's  NDSU team plays West Virginia at 7:00.


  • dave: September 06, 2024

    Fishing the Roaring Fork in Co I waded across and was soon met by a man. He advised me that I was on private property and pointed to a sign. It was signed John Denver and no the man was not John Denver.

  • Jim N: September 06, 2024

    Are you sure it’s not “sunshine on my shoulders…scares the trout away”….John Gierach.

    Good luck everyone!

  • Ed Smith: September 06, 2024

    P.S. Angler119- Hope to see you on the Willow. Ed

  • Ed Smith: September 06, 2024

    Angler119- Sounds like you had a good evening’ fishing. I’ll heed your advice. Coming up next Wednesday and stay by the Willow, other than a trip up to see Dave and retrieve my long lost net. Dennis- Good catch on John Denver. That makes me happy. All My Best . Ed

  • Dennis: September 06, 2024

    Go John Denver!! A119 thanks for the report. I am going to try fishing tomorrow. It’s just so beautiful to be out on a stream now. Sounds like you’re still catching fish as hard as it is. I will keep all informed on my escapades trying to catch fish!!

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