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We're all just travelers on the road to kingdom come.

Posted on May 17 2022

After six straight fishing days with big fish seemingly lining up for a chance to eat my flies, I just may have been a tad full of myself. 

Waited until about 9:30 to head out in search of a spinner fall and on the way came as close as you could ever come to running over a new born fawn.  The fawn trotted out onto my lane from under the guard rail in the median on rte. 17.  I  have always said don't kill yourself and/or others trying to avoid an animal in the road. I'm not a NASCAR driver and I don't believe that jerking the wheel hard to the right and then quickly back again to the left moved the car more than a foot but I think it was enough. Looked in the rear view mirror and the fawn was down on the pavement.  Even though I didn't hear a thump or feel a bump, my heart sank, no one wants to hit a new born deer. Then the deer got to it's feet and continued it's trip across future interstate route 86, hopefully to link up with mom.  

The morning spinner fall?  Never happened, maybe too cold, or maybe to windy or maybe it was just time for my comeuppance. Returned to the fishing camp, mowed the lawn, had lunch and decided to go east and try the UEB.  I know that the UEB was high and cold all spring.  NYC cut back the flow a day later than the WB. Have driven up rte. 30  a couple times without seeing anglers, bugs or risers until last week when there were six cars at both power line and long flat.  Today there was a car at long flat, three at powerline and one more at Thayer Hollow. Saw no drift boats, a few small mayflies and but one rise.  Never wet a line but I did suit up, take a long walk and lost my paralep box.  Have the Hendricksons happened??? Don't know, do know that my windshield was never attacked by spinners (Hendrickson or caddis) so perhaps not.

What next? Despite the price of gas going up by $.10 a gallon each time I drive past Hancock ($4.95 a gallon tonight)  I drove back to the WB where I was able to get in an hour of good fishing at the tail end of the day's Hendrickson hatch. 

What's hatching?  You are probably asking the wrong guy. Hendricksons at the top end of the WB and caddis in big numbers at least up to the Hale Eddy bridge and probably beyond.

Where to fish? WB seems to have it all (unfortunately, most all of  the floaters, waders and the bugs).  Wouldn't rush to the BK, BR or the EB as they always take longer than I think to come out of the "Doldrums".  Perhaps someone might be adventuresome and knock 'em silly on a Hendrickson hatch over on the UEB.  If anyone knows for sure that the hatch on the UEB is over, please let us know, gas isn't cheap.  



  • Keith: May 19, 2022

    Do what you do, Angler 119.

  • Chris: May 19, 2022

    Caddis were 18’s a d a few 16’s, not 16&14. The fish seemed to favor size 18.

  • Chris: May 19, 2022

    5/18 There were a tremendous amount of bugs on the west Branch above and below the bridge by the Troutfitter. There were a lot of what I believe to be Hendrickson’s. Some looked to be size 14 most were 16. The fish were taking what I believe are grannoms, size 16 and a few 14’s. There were also a cpl large olives, the ones I caught looked to be 16-14ish. I fished from 1 until the amount of egg laying caddis was so large I couldn’t begin to tell where my fly was, fish were rising everywhere at that time. I did well for me landed 5, one was only 6-7 inches and one was a large fish 18ish. The others were in the 14-15 inch range, All were healthy. Was a good day minus the guy in a potoon who rowed right down the middle I’m front of a few ppl. Some gentleman across from who slayed them today, had some choice words for the guy. A cpl boats did come by and were super polite and gave warning that they were coming behind, so even though it was a tight fit it was pleasent interactions with some quick conversations on the fishing.

  • Jack McDonald: May 18, 2022

    Thanks for the info! And be glad u don’t have a Diesel engine. Ugh!!!

  • Jack McDonald: May 18, 2022

    Thanks for the info! And be glad u don’t have a Diesel engine. Ugh!!!

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