Posted on September 19 2007
We get requests all the time for sunglass recommendations. If you’ve worn sunglasses enough, though, you know that beyond getting the best quality lens you can buy, fit and style are the next most important considerations. Costa Del Mar is among the few sellers of top-quality lenses, and their style and fit combinations are as good as they come, as evidenced by the new Man o’ War sunglasses which fit larger faces extremely well.
We were very happy to find out at the FFR show that Trout Unlimited gave Costa their Trout Conservationist of the Year award for work on the new film “Why Do We Fish?,” which TU has been able to use to help motivate and excite local volunteers all over the U.S. this year. Costa Del Mar has also worked extensively with Trout Unlimited’s “Embrace-A-Stream” program, supporting stream re-building projects across the country. The award was presented at Trout Unlimited’s 48th annual meeting held in Boise, Idaho this past weekend. If you haven’t seen the film, you can find it on Costa’s Channel C Web site.