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$ 975.00


What an 8-and-a-half foot rod may lack in distance casting is more than made up for with its fishability and accuracy at close range, even in wind. The 8’6” 5-weight CLASSIC R8 is perfect for those who prefer to fish on foot for wise and wily trout on waters where fly sizes are larger and fish-fighting abilities are important.

The evolution of a fly angler aligns with the pace at which they fish. Over time, the desire to catch many or large fish shifts toward fishing with intention—on one’s own terms—leading to a slower, more thoughtful approach. Casts become less frequent but more meaningful, filled with a deeper sense of the moment. As pace slows, awareness heightens, and observation takes center stage. Days or weeks are spent waiting for the hatch, and when it finally comes, one cast may be all we get. Inspired by time and place, we learn to slow down and savor the experience, finding there is always more to observe, learn, and feel—including that one perfect fish.

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