Angler 119's Delaware River Fishing Report
Reservoir releases increased before Florence rains arrive.
Posted on September 15 2018
Waders - - Stay home and wait for Florence to go by. As the runoff subsides,...
I've got better things to do!
Posted on September 14 2018
Righ place, for the wrong reason.
Posted on September 13 2018
A week later, with the entire Delaware system too high to fish safely and only a...
You know it don't come easy!
Posted on September 12 2018
Tried lower down the UEB in a pool...
Is the fat lady getting ready to sing?
Posted on September 10 2018
If you think you want to fish the EB or UEB, - think again.
Posted on September 07 2018
The Big East has good iso hatches and most places can be waded at 1,100 CFS. Left in time for the iso hatch and headed for a riff in the...
It wasn't a total washout afterall.
Posted on September 06 2018
Spent over an hour in the early afternoon tying iso duns and emergers for a renewed assault on the big river 'bows. Just as I was finishing up at the tying bench, a bolt of lightning and clap of thunder put my plans on hold. The grounds crew was quick to roll out the tarps so the infield is dry. If it stops raining we'll try to get the game in.
3:00 pm. The weather radar doesn't look good and...
An ice cold lemonade would have been nice.
Posted on September 05 2018
Spent a couple of hours repairing some flies that were injured in battle and tying new ones to replace those that were beyond repair or that went MIA in the knot weed and other shoreline vegetation on my errant backcasts.
By one o'clock I was ready to go, but with the temp...
To big or not to big - that is the question
Posted on September 04 2018
Two boats put in...
Waters droppin, bugs are poppin!
Posted on September 03 2018
The releasing of 1,500 CFS from Cannonsville for the past several weeks has resulted in the depletion of the cold water below the thermocline. Water temps at Stilesville which have been around 44 degrees all summer are now above 50. This late in the year (even with the...
Coming down - -
Posted on September 01 2018
Looked at the flows this morning expecting them to be cut back. Cannonsville was reduced by 100 CFS yesterday but remained at about 1400 today. Pepacton held steady just under 700 CFS. It's 7:30 pm on Saturday...
Heading home.
Posted on August 29 2018
I've been fishing since last Friday and had four relatively good days but with the high water wading opportunities are limited and I've had to fish most places...
A lesson learned - - again.
Posted on August 28 2018
Decided to fish the UEB and EB. I've seen no one wade fishing there and only a very few boats. Now I know why. Saw no bugs or rising fish above Shinhopple, a few bugs and small fish rising between Shinhopple and Harvard and...
Fewer ants more Uncles
Posted on August 27 2018
Fewer Ants - more Uncles.
Posted on August 27 2018
The rules keep changing.
Posted on August 26 2018
Back in the "game".
Posted on August 25 2018
Each day I fish I have a contest with the fish. The rules are pretty...
I let time go lightly - on the river.
Posted on August 24 2018
It has been 6 days since I've fished and 18 days since I made a cast in the Delaware. Drove down to mow the lawn and "take a look". Saw two boats anchored below the 17 bridge in Deposit so I exited 17 and drove into town. Stopped to chat with Lloyd Hornbeck who said he had not heard of any wash overs being caught since the spills began. Drove down along the river and saw bugs (some) hatching. Saw...
Killin' time, is killin' me.
Posted on August 22 2018
Why? All right, I'm only guessing but the ratio of bottom release to spill is improving daily. Another factor is the wind that has blown the past two days. This has probably mixed some of the hot surface water in the reservoirs with cooler water lying just below the surface. Temps are now in the sixties and the trout are back in a...
Two out of three ain't bad.
Posted on August 20 2018
It could be said that I was unlucky...
Posted on August 19 2018
Both reservoirs are spilling hot water into the two branches.
Water is flowing into the reservoirs at a faster rate than it can be released, thus insuring that the warm water spill will continue to make the branches both warm and dangerously high.
A better place to be, (during monsoon season).
Posted on August 17 2018
Received an invitation from a friend to fish the South Holston and after mowing the camp lawn I drove 9 hours south on 81, bought a Tennessee fishing license and went fishing. The "SoHo" is a TVA tailwater that is just full of fish from yearlings to fish of...
It's just the way things are.
Posted on August 15 2018
Now for the bad news.
The UEB is very high with water that is, (because of the warm spill) over 70 degrees. Even with no rain it will...
Please exercise patience and stay safe!
Posted on August 13 2018
Drift boaters are in heaven with no waders to have...
Train derailment above Hale Eddy - 2 rail cars and diesel fuel end up in the river system
Posted on August 09 2018
Am home building an Ark.
Posted on August 08 2018
Lots of bugs are hatching in the Sulfur Zone. Cold water releases have good temperatures well down the Big River. But the intense rainstorms have washed out any wade fishing possibilities for the near term.
The fish are enjoying the break and will big bigger, fatter, well rested and perhaps a little easier to fool when action resumes.
Stay tuned.
A nice day for a drive.
Posted on August 07 2018
Monday morning gave me no warning of what was to be.
Posted on August 06 2018
Five feet high and rising!
Posted on August 03 2018
The WB got hit with a gully washer around 11:00 this morning and all of the tribs are raging torrents of orange mud. The...
It's August and a few big browns are still feeding on top.
Posted on August 02 2018
Tried two...
Some days are better than others.
Posted on August 01 2018
If you are looking for a challenge the Delaware is the place for you. The fish fed from about two until I left the upper WB at 7:00. They...
Reprise, reprise.
Posted on July 31 2018
Reprisals don't often work out, but - - -
Posted on July 30 2018
With the sky clouding over midday, the UEB at 300 CFS, (rain and an increase in the release), I decided to see if I could get a July 18th do over. Was busy doing yard work (rain...
It's good to be back "home" again, (with apologies to my wife).
Posted on July 29 2018
Raindrops keep fall'in on my head - - -
Posted on July 26 2018
The Beaverkill crested at about 11.000 CFS, (above the 10,000 CFS flood line), with the EB hitting 15,000 CFS...
A rainout !
Posted on July 25 2018
If there is no additional rain tonight the UEB (off color at present) will be playable tomorrow.
The WB is both high and muddy, any fishing will be above Oquaga, best to wait another day.
The warm rain water has raised the daily low temp on both rivers while lowered the high temp on the UEB and raising it on the WB. What effect this will have on the...
It's a good time to take your wife out for a nice dinner.
Posted on July 24 2018
At 3:00 this afternoon the WB was at 550 CFS and dropping the UEB was at 240CFS and falling. Strange or what?...
It doesn't help your fishing to be in a fog.
Posted on July 23 2018
Left to fish about 4:15 and turned the wrong way. Had come through showers around Deposit...
Fishing downgraded to "Fair".
Posted on July 20 2018
There are many factors which contribute to how good or bad the fishing will be. This season has already had three periods of over 90 degree temperature. The rainfall...
Some might call it a one star performance - - -
Posted on July 19 2018
At 1:45 I left camp again in the bright sun and headed for Deposit. Crossed the river at Hale Eddy and...
Some days it don't come easy.
Posted on July 18 2018
Yesterday's cloud cover and fog produced enough bugs to get the fish up and feeding. Today's bright sun and high pressure seemed to stifle both the hatch and the feeding trout. There...
Sometimes the best plan, is not to have one.
Posted on July 17 2018
Maybe tomorrow - - -
Posted on July 16 2018
Plans, what plans?
Posted on July 13 2018
Drove up route...
Never fall in love with a fish!
Posted on July 12 2018
If you are going to fish the sulfur spinner fall, book a room.
Posted on July 11 2018
Left camp at 3:30 and headed up to Deposit "Just to take a look". Saw an old...
Not going to the "sulfur zone" just yet.
Posted on July 10 2018
This morning I fished a section of the lower WB that I fished back on the 22nd of June. That morning there were olive spinners on the water and the fishing was great with big fish eating my fly with abandon. Today, not so much. Perhaps I should...
It's good to be back home again.
Posted on July 09 2018
The Owyhee trip - The canyon is beautiful, the wildlife along the river abundant (mule deer, turkeys, ducks, quail, chuckers, eagles, otter, beaver, etc, etc). But the fly hatches have virtually disappeared. Have not seen any tricos in the last...
I'm leaving on a jet plane - - -
Posted on June 29 2018
A week ago I said if the trip wasn't prepaid, I'd gladly give it up to stay and fish the Delaware. Now, with the weeks weather forecast in front of me, I'm not so sure...
Neversink revisited and "Sulfur Zone" boundaries set.
Posted on June 28 2018
Decided to take the day off and drive over to the Neversink and look for sulfurs and rising trout....